How to overcome insomnia

How to overcome insomnia: ten tips to overcome insomnia

To find a satisfactory sleep, it is important to develop good sleep habits. Applied in their entirety and consistently, and for a sufficiently long time (several weeks) these strategies are very effective.

What is a sleeping disorder

What is a sleeping disorder

Sleep disorders are divided into three main groups:

Dyssomnias: insomnia psychological origin (inability to sleep at night), altitude insomnia, insomnia from external (extrinsic), sleep disorders related to alcohol or drugs, narcolepsy. Insomnia is a common complaint in the elderly over 60 years.

The early signs of mental disorders

What are the early signs of mental disorders

A mental or behavioral disorder characterized by a disturbance of thinking, of mood or behavior that no longer fits within the norms or cultural beliefs. In most cases, symptoms are accompanied by distress and interference with personal functions.

How to get a good night sleep

Why can’t get a good night sleep

1 of 4 people complained of insomnia. But do not sleep at all is exceptional!

Occasional insomnia, which disappears spontaneously when solving the problem may be due to:

Treat sleep disorders with homeopathy

At this moment, you can not get to sleep because of concerns and stress that make you too nervous. The homeopathy can be an extremely beneficial alternative for treating this disorder and avoid resorting to sleeping pills that can be addictive.
A sleep request to follow some basic rules: keep your sleep rhythm, reduce stimulants such as coffee and tea, don’t do sport before going to bed and take a

How to sleep better

The human body can sleep almost in any position imaginable. Just look around your traveling companions during a long flight to see the amazing variety of postures of sleep!

But you can change the feel of your sleeping posture to be conducive to a deeper sleep and optimize flow easier to breathe through the nose. If your nose is congested, breathing from mouth and snoring are likely to ensue.

The obstructive sleep apnea

The obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

During sleep, the person with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) underwent a narrowing of the pharynx associated with muscle relaxation. This leads to airflow more difficult and snoring because of the vibrations of the air. If the airway closes completely, the person temporarily stops breathing: it is an obstructive apnea.