The chronic sleep deprivation

HBIUUYU87What is the chronic sleep deprivation

Chronic sleep deprivation and the impact that lack of sleep has on the functioning and thinking cannot be reversed by a good night's sleep, according to new research suggest that more emphasis have a mattress suited to our needs.

A good night's sleep can make you feel and function better in the short term, the negative effects of the loss of long-term sustainable dream.

In fact, the loss of chronic sleep for six hours of sleep per night for two weeks due to a similar level of disability to stay awake for 24 hours, said the lead author of the study, Dr. Daniel A. Cohen, a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, both in Boston.
People with chronic sleep deprivation are vulnerable to sudden sleepiness, the errors and accidents, Cohen said. He described the vulnerability as something that does not disappear after a full night's sleep to recover.
Cohen and his colleagues reported their results in January 13 edition of the journal Science Translational Medicine.
They note that it is believed that 16 percent of Americans sleep six hours or less per day.

We think that chronic sleep deprivation is more common in occupations involving shift work and overtime as truck driving and transport, military, industry and health care and response organizations of Emergency. Many of these workers try to compensate for long periods of sleep deprivation and the dangers it poses to the security of sleep debt to sleep for longer when they can.

But what strategy of remuneration of assistance to restore the warning? To find out, researchers monitor the behavior of men and women healthy 21-34 years. The participants were assigned to a three-week program of sleep and wakefulness involved staying awake for 33 hours and then sleep 10.

This chronic sleep deprivation routine, which confirmed imitated, by example, the typical schedule of a resident doctor on call, meaning that participants slept just 5.6 hours per 24-hour period.

Data on a second group of participants who slept over a normal period of eight hours for each period of 24 were used as a comparison.

The team found that, immediately after a period of ten hours of sleep, the participants deprived returned to normal limits on assessments of cognitive function and reaction time.

However, as further studies, the ability of the participants, who were now deprived of sleep chronic, to recover full function after every ten hours of sleep began to decline. As well as their ability to concentrate, focus and rest alert, weakened after 33 hours of standby.

Relatively normal reaction time of sleep deprivation also significantly disappeared the day became night. The researchers attributed this to the interaction between chronic sleep deprivation and circadian rhythms of the body.

The point is that people who accumulate the chronic sleep deprivation during the week in the hope of being able to pay with a good night or two of sleep during the weekend will be disappointed.

A good night's sleep can largely hide the effects of the chronic sleep deprivation, Cohen said. But he said the sense of recovering the entire function is illusory.

What can do against the chronic sleep deprivation

At this point, Cohen noted, we do not know how normal cycles of sleep and wakefulness takes to recover from chronic sleep deprivation.
Gregg D. Jacobs, a sleep specialist sleep disorders center of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center in Boston, said that sleep loss is a phenomenon that is not equal for all and warned that the results should not generalize too much.

The hours of sleep study are similar to those medicals residents who suffer, he said. However, very few people in addition to medical residents are subject to a sleep schedule like that. Lack of sleep in daily life is much more modest for most personas .Jacobs also noted that participants were relatively young and the elderly often need less sleep. He added that sleep loss and performance related on an individual can often depend on the motivation of the person to perform a task, which may be different depending on sleep loss and performance related to work or not.

The problem with laboratory studies of sleep loss, he said, is it not generalized to everyday life.

As we advise you against the chronic sleep deprivation to take care of the rest mattresses and bases, or mattress sofa that suits you, and that sleep is not a luxury but a necessity to make our lives bearable.

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